Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 2: mommy's show

Day 2: mommy's show at Nagisa Music Festival in Osaka.

Mommy's good friend and great guitarist from Argentina, Fernando Kabusacki joined mommy's show.

This is the back stage tent. Pillow is in Soprano's yellow back pak.
Beautiful guitar behind Soprano is Fernando's Tokai Les Paul.

On warm and fine day with lots of crowds, mommy and Fernando played the guitar loud!
Pillow totally loved that but Soprano seemed a little nervous. :@

Pillow & Soprano listening to mommy at the stage side - - > YouTube

Thursday, April 28, 2011

7 days travel to West Japan: Day 1

Pillow and Soprano had their longest road trip to Osaka and Kochi on this big Spring holiday week in Japan.

Day 1: Road to Osaka

The first destination is Osaka, where mommy has the show at outdoor music festival.

Get in the carrier, buckle the seat belt, and hit the road with a buch of gears!